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Name: | John Foyle |
Email: | john_foyle@yahoo.ie |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Dublin |
Comments: | Great site, very comprehensive, keep up the good work. |
Name: | Bobby Bange |
Email: | islandba@darientel.net |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
GA |
Comments: | Great. |
Name: | Brett Walker |
Email: | brettw721@iwon.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Boston, MA |
Comments: | Nice goin! |
Name: | Steve |
Email: | spbaker@blueyonder.co.uk |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
England |
Comments: | Congratulations on the site! |
Name: | J6hvikas |
Email: | j6hvikas@yahoo.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Estonia, Tartu |
Comments: | Good job! Not only nice to look at; but also thorough & informative... Like it ;) Thanks for all the work!! |
Name: | Carusoe Park |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
West Point, NY |
Comments: | Great site man. The internet really needed a comprehensive Grant Lee Phillips page. A million thanks to you. |
Name: | Patrick |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Ireland |
Comments: | Very good website Vladimir... Keep up the good work. |
Name: | Olga |
Email: | olga@gabay.ru |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Toronto, Canada |
Comments: | Ofigeeet'! Nikogda ne dumala, chto v Rossii est' takie yarye poklonniki GLB. Odnakozh... :;) |
Name: | Kelvin Busher |
Email: | kelvinbusher@hotmail.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Wexford / Ireland |
Comments: | grant play live in vicar street in dublin and it proved that yes god did give him the voice of an angel that we hear on the songs |
Name: | Holger |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Amsterdam |
Comments: | Dear Vladimir, this is a great site!! Thanks for all those tabs. I hope that Grant's performance in Munich was anything like his performance in Amsterdam on the 15th of April. I'm looking forward to the photo's. Greetings, Holger. |
Name: | Edvard |
Email: | ekjoersvik@yahoo.no |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Norway |
Comments: | Great site. Need some help about two of the songs on the Mercury Blues album from Shiva Burlesque, "Who is the Mona Lisa" and "Sparrow's song". Anyone who have this songs??? Please send them to me... |
Name: | Netochka Nezvanova |
Email: | angel_wired@hotmail.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
de laide, homeboy |
Comments: | I dunno man, some of these tabs, don't you think they're a little TOO good?! ;^) I mean The Shallow End: D E G does the trick... What's this Emsus2/7 business?! Nice work! |
August 1, 2001 07:18:06 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carolyn |
Email: | carolyn.m.forster@team.telstra.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Melbourne, Australia |
Comments: | |
July 31, 2001 06:16:36 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Godtfred |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Norway |
Comments: | Hmm... yes, GLP is truly a genius of music. The carrots are weeping? |
July 25, 2001 20:21:33 (GMT Time) |
Name: | PK |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Comments: | Otlichno VOVA!!! Tvoi sait stanovitsya populyarnym!!! A Mobilize tochno skachat' nel'zya? Hi to all GLB-fans. I'm very proud of You Vova!!! |
July 25, 2001 07:21:00 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Steve |
Email: | spbaker@lineone.net |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
England |
Comments: | Congratulations and good luck with the site. I once spent ages looking for tab for all the songs. Now I've got them all. Cheers.... |
July 20, 2001 23:38:56 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Anke |
Email: | ankulajustakid@hotmail.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Comments: | Great site! I wish the band hadn't split up :(. Such a talent!!! I haven't heard much of the new stuff though, must do it soon. |
July 20, 2001 19:30:23 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mona |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Boston |
Comments: | Hey all GLB and GLP fans, Grant's new CD is available for listening in streaming audio if you are interested. Here is the link... Thanks to Vlad for the heads up, you are the man. What does everyone think of the new album? |
July 9, 2001 17:07:36 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Javi Bauer |
Email: | javi@javibauer.com |
HomePage: | http://www.javibauer.com/ |
are you from: |
Boston MA |
Comments: | Cool site. You are one of the first to get the lyrics for the MJM album correct. Are you familiar with the song "Brother Lantern"? If you don't have it I can e-mail it to you. Maybe you can work out the lyrics and tab for it. |
July 5, 2001 15:25:04 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Ellen |
Email: | ellendue@hotmail.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Denmark |
Comments: | I just enjoy Mr. GLP's music and especially voice so much!!!! |
June 22, 2001 23:55:12 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mel Saferstein |
Email: | Mel@hoguesf.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Comments: | Do you know how to get in touch with Paul Kimble? I want to see if he's interested in producing a band. |
June 22, 2001 00:41:56 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Jay Perri |
Email: | jayperri@hotmail.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Buffalo, NY |
Comments: | Right On, Vlad! Keep up the good work! |
June 9, 2001 15:10:45 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mary "Badkitty" Murray |
Email: | jubilee10@hotmail.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Phoenix, AZ |
Comments: | |
June 8, 2001 01:30:56 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Kellen |
Email: | ken_xl@yahoo.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Boston |
Comments: | Rad page, long live GLB... Can't wait for Mobilize! |
June 5, 2001 17:00:35 (GMT Time) |
Name: | James |
Email: | jsenech@hotmail.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Minnesota, US |
Comments: | This is really great. As a beginner guitarist I can use all the help I can get. Thank you very much!! |
May 30, 2001 04:20:33 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Steve Lovell |
Email: | stevelovell@hotmail.com |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Comments: | I just became aware of your website and I'm enjoying the tabs page. Thanks. |
May 28, 2001 16:53:18 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Linda |
Email: | lindabuffalo@webtv.net |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Indiana |
Comments: | WOW~~~ What can I say~~~ Your tabs seem to be the most accurate I've seen so far!! You must have perfect pitch! |
May 28, 2001 01:52:22 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Kapa |
Email: | kappy-kap@mtu-net.ru |
HomePage: | http:// |
are you from: |
Comments: | You're programmer, man!!! I really like it and think, that it will be useful for all GLB-fans. You're good!!! |
May 27, 2001 16:22:26 (GMT Time) |